Presentation of Genshin Impact version 2.5: new banners and promo codes

Publisher miHoYo held another presentation on Genshin, this time it is dedicated to patch 2.5, promo codes, prayers, quests and more.

Update 2.5 is coming to Genshin Impact soon, on February 16th to be exact (according to preliminary data). It will have two banners – one for Yae Miko, and the second for two heroes at once – Shogun Raiden and Kokomi. Players will have two story quests with Yae and Raiden. By the way, the new weekly boss will be Electro Archon Baal; he has huge hands, the ability to hit back and even all over the arena if you don’t put up a shield in time.

Presentation Of Genshin Impact Version 2 5 New Banners And Promo Codes

Even in the new patch, new mobs will appear – Gloomy armor. They are similar to the enemies from Dark Souls in that they take a long swing or draw a bowstring. Of the new events, we are promised a darkened Encanomia and “Create your own dungeons.” The first is the main event of patch 2.5, which means that the entire Encanomia will be in darkness and players will have to rediscover the territory in order to illuminate it. For participation in events, you will receive primogems and other prizes.

miHoYo also said about the Bartender event, in which you need to create recipes and non-alcoholic drinks. Well, the icing on the cake is the rerun of the Hyakunin Ikki event.

Promo codes for Genshin Impact (valid for one day)


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